Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Taxation without Representation

After observing city government, I noticed a few things.  There is little difference between politicians whether they are in a small town or in Denver or in Washington.  They do what it takes to get elected and then do whatever they want to.

 Then there is the Gruber phenomenon.  The public is thought to be too stupid to discern the lies and scams they are fed as truth.

The current thinking is that marijuana will save Colorado.  I believe the truth is different and will come out eventually.  Politicians are beaming with pride that they are saving their towns by tapping into the money stream that is marijuana.  This is consistent with the idea that investing in a land development deal that profits a handful of people will somehow save a city.  The idea of the investors paying their own way is given lip service but never considered in reality.

As a citizen I am sure that I speak for other frustrated property owners who are uncomfortable seeing money squandered on various plans that have little basis in reality.  The answer to all financial problems is to borrow more money from any source and charge it to the citizens.  This is not working on any level.  It also dodges the responsibility of taking large debt obligations before the tax payer for a vote.

We have little choice it seems.  We must keep our mouths shut and pay for the sundry schemes that administrators and politicians dream up or voice opposition which the so-called representatives ignore.

Can folks really be proud to be the hub for multiple drug operations? I think not. Governmental agencies are following their leaders by diving into uncharted waters.  Look at the criminal acts of the federal government.  Is it not understandable that other levels of government would follow their lead in destructive actions to harm the citizens they are elected to serve?

I have made suggestions which could lead to decreasing budget deficits and they are scorned as not worthy of looking at seriously.  When the system is a totalitarian style of government, the vote means little.

A " trickle down" theory of government in a city with an administrator is that all ideas for law, spending, and utility management originate from the administrator. Next, they are presented to a council.  The council usually approves the idea and money is taken from the citizens to pay for the project.  Everyone on the council is restrained by election except the administrator. He doesn't face that.  Even an evaluation by the city is apparently optional.  When has the administrator's evaluation been done, who did it, and what were the results?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

King Cannabis Rules

For about a year I have  experienced being on the Walsenburg Finance Committee as a citizen member.  It was a learning experience.  There were many items that demanded attention at each meeting.  The other citizen members and the city council members who showed up from time to time discussed issues to be included on the city council agenda.

If you attend one of these meetings, you will be recognized if you have a comment or question.  After you present your idea, Dave Johnston and other council members will politely show you why your idea is not acceptable and business will continue as usual.  The addition of citizens to various committees was a kind of window dressing to show that the city was open to ideas. They are open to ideas as long as it's their ideas. At present there is only one committee which is the finance committee.

As the finance committee and city council meetings approach, the notice for the meetings and their agendas are posted at the library and city hall.  Many times last minute changes are added.  This is a pattern for short notice changes like those at the last meeting when very serious decisions were made without discussion. Many citizens weren't aware of these major issues, so they didn't show up.

Most decisions of the Walsenburg City Council are unanimous.  There is very little dissent. The decisions are made by Dave and the council before a vote is taken. In essence a council meeting is a formal announcement of what has been decided that is best for the populace.  I don't accept this as a a way to run a democratic form of government.

The idea for a representative government is that the electorate is entitled to an opinion, and the representative elected has a duty to his constituents to listen to them and do what they ask.
This concept has been overlooked in every level of government to the extent that we are facing the type of system seen in socialist countries. When you vote you must choose what the party advocates.

When the city council puts a referendum on the ballot, they make it known in advance that bad things will happen if it doesn't pass. They held true to their promise. Not only did they pass an initial ten percent water rate increase, but they are planning to increase electric rates with a three percent franchise fee.  A sewer fee increase is slated for April and a gas increase is on the table.

If all of this is hard to digest. the sale of 330 acres of the city ranch for marijuana production with little or no advance notice, should just about do it.  Now we have three major highways into Walsenburg where visitors are shown how popular marijuana is here.  It seems that we are vying for the title of the marijuana capital of southern Colorado.

When I moved here for retirement, I never saw this coming. Seeing this infatuation for marijuana, would have sent me down the road to look for somewhere more appropriate.  If this is what the citizens want, it's their decision.  I have met some very nice folks here, and I'm sure some of them feel as I do.  Let's just hope the real estate market will improve as workers decide to make a career move into the marijuana industry.  That will help those of us who want to move on.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Walsenburg Executive Orders

This is an historic week.  The U.S. president is going ahead with a full blown attack on the U.S. Constitution by announcing unlawful amnesty for millions of illegals.  During the same week, the city of Walsenburg has copied the tactic of issuing executive orders during its city council meeting on Tuesday night, November 18th.

While not without precedent, the council acted with impunity by passing a large utility rate increase and agreeing to sale over 300 acres of the city ranch with a minimum of public input.  Very little public notice was given about these major issues.

This is reminiscent of the Northlands Sewer Project.  When objections were voiced over the city financing and guaranteeing the project, they argued that no city funds were being spent on the project.  It took a long time and a lot of questions, but the city finally admitted it was financing the start up costs for the project.  There is still no evidence that the 19 property owners with the most to gain from the project have injected funds.

 It is disappointing on many levels to see politicians ignoring the electorate.  All of the blame is not on the politicians. If the citizens don't hold them accountable, they will begin issuing executive orders.

Photo source: (

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Fee is a Tax of a Different Name

It comes as little surprise that the City of Walsenburg wants your money.  If you don't pass a sales tax, this is what you get.  A fee of 6% is proposed for your sewer and water bills.  The city is determined to get more money.  Just think if you had passed a sales tax before they pulled this out of the hat.  The combined hit would be even worse.

If you want to say anything, it better be soon.  Ordinance 1051 is being pushed through with "emergency status".  On Tuesday night, November 18th, the ordinance will be voted on in the Walsenburg City Council Meeting.

It will be interesting to see what emergency conditions will merit the expenditure of this extra sack of money.  It is our money now, but it will belong to the city soon.  Does your city councilman support this ordinance?  Even though your councilman does not have a means of contacting him or her directly, you can get a message to them by contacting Wanda Brit at 719-738-1048 ext. 218.

Instead of working to get businesses to relocate to our area, it is easier to take funds from citizens who have little recourse. This is a way to create an exodus from the city.  Who wants to keep paying increasing fees for the city's financial failures?  By taking on huge new projects they can't afford, the city is ensuring that the current crisis will continue to grow.

No wonder one of the business owners on the council recently resigned.  Anyone who has a concern for financial responsibility should consider the same option.  Going down with the ship isn't always a noble cause.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Another Year, Another Budget

Walsenburg is facing a deadline for submitting an annual budget for the new year.  It is a difficult operation.  A number of calculations are done and the choices are presented to the city council.  Most of the time the choices are between two evils - do without something to have something else.
It appears this year will be no different.  A couple of budgets will be considered on November 11th. One choice will be to restore city employee pay cuts, and the other is to leave them intact.  There are arguments for either decision, but the facts don't change.

Walsenburg is struggling with a deficit in the general fund.  What caused it is only useful as a reminder of mistakes to avoid in the future.  To ignore the past and act as if the deficit doesn't exist, would be to refuse to learn from the past.

When money is needed for funding for a huge project like the  Northlands Sewer Project, and the city needs new money to keep it going forward, money is always found.  If money is needed to refurbish infrastructure of sewer and water lines in the city, there is no money available.  A pattern has emerged.

Now the city has come to admit that funds have been spent to advance the Northlands project.  These funds will be lost if the project doesn't go forward.  The alternative is to be liable for several millions of dollars instead of $400,000 to $500,000 which has been spent.  This formula looks similar to the kinds of decisions made in the past which have resulted in our present dilemma.

The bond pledge for an over-sized sewer plant was based on a trust that the prison would pay for it. The present project in the Northlands has a pledge for loan payments that only the city can guarantee.

Another loser from the past is the city water park.  A decision was made to spend a large sum on a water park that is expensive to operate and can only stay open two to three months a year.  Despite the obvious problem, no one has the courage to say, "enough."

A denial that there is a problem which can be solved is a sure decision that nothing will be done. Operating within a reasonable budget is not impossible.  When almost every project the city plans, involves a grant or a loan from the government, it is an admission that there is no money available for it.  When there is no money and there is a large deficit, it means you slow spending.  Repay the deficit first and think about large projects when the city is solvent.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Walsenburg Citizen's Forum

After reading an article by Eric Mullens from the Huerfano Journal's Facebook page about the last Walsenburg City Council meeting, I felt compelled to discuss the citizen's forum which is the segment of the City Council meetings where citizens are allowed to speak if they sign in prior to the Council meeting.

I have used the forum on a few occasions to express my concern about some issue that I thought needed addressing.  I have also attended council meetings when other citizens have spoken.  Most of the people who speak are not professional entertainers; therefore, they don't give particularly entertaining performances.  Of course, this is not the purpose of the forum, but the fact that there is a place for ordinary citizens to voice concerns is very important.

If a person chooses to speak on a topic that is inappropriate, this can be addressed after viewing his subject on the sign in sheet.  To decide after one incident to reduce the forum time allowance by half is an over reaction.  I have stated to the City Council on more than one occasion how important I thought the forum was to the citizens.

To be honest there are times I would like to place a limit on the Council's speaking time.  I hope the Council won't limit this forum. It is one of the only ways that citizens can voice concerns. The only other forum for expressing opinions is the "letters to the editor" in local papers.  This is limited by who the paper chooses to publish and whether the editor agrees with the point of view of the writer.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The American Pendulum

Election day is approaching and it will effect our future.  Political parties aside, we are all going to feel the effects of this election.  One of my history teachers used to say that American politics was like a pendulum.  When it swung to one extreme, it would balance out in time by going the other way.  I really hope this is true.

Our basic freedoms and rights as Americans have never been under such attacks. Our constitution is being criticized as being outdated.  Family values and freedom of religion are also under constant bombardment from those with special agendas to promote.

Separation of powers is a concept which was adopted by our forefathers to prevent tyranny and to control the different government branches so that any one of them could be kept in check by the other entities.  The current president is attempting to govern as a dictator and go around these checks and balances.  Sadly the other branches of our current system are content to sit on the sidelines while this is happening.

It is past time to rid our government of self-promoting, greedy politicians who are only interested in their own wealth.  When the nation is in peril of terrorists and internal destruction by those who would destroy our fiber as a nation, it is time for a coalition of citizens to demand that our representatives listen to us.

The extreme ideas which are so obvious in D.C. are also evident in our state and local government. Colorado has seen attacks on family values, religious freedom, education systems, and constitutional rights.  Many of these attacks are funded by billionaires from Hollywood and the Eastern political establishment.  These individuals have no business in Colorado politics.

Even local government can become influenced by the same ideas that are pervasive in Washington. Redistribution of wealth seems to be one popular theme.  It is considered politically incorrect to earn a living by working.  Just take what someone else has earned and use it.  Taxes are imposed to redistribute income. (Obamacare is a case in point.) .

In Walsenburg, we have a pending ballot issue to increase the sales tax.  This tax is purported to help prevent an increase in utility rates, but the city can raise utilities anytime it wants to.  A sales tax is meant to raise money for the general fund, and the general fund is separate from the utility funds. This sales tax is to help cover the $500,000 plus in spending deficits that the city has created.  More money is not the answer.  Getting rid of the individuals who spent more than the city could afford is the answer,  Handing over more money to those who created a massive deficit won't cure the problem.

As citizens, we have problems to solve at every level of government.  The results of the last election show that not voting has consequences.  Many stayed home to protest a lack of choice.  Let's vote for the best choices to turn our country back to democracy and deal with thinning the herd later.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Common Sense is not Politically Correct

The term "politically correct" is relatively new to me.  In recent years it has become incorrect to disagree with the establishment.  To disagree with authority is considered to be critical and disagreeable in a negative way.  This is inconsistent with what America is about.

To remove a person's right to disagree is to tolerate tyranny. Our forefathers sacrificed themselves by fighting tyrants who would limit their freedoms.  The fight is not over.  Some people think that any disagreement with an elected or appointed politician is treasonous.  They also think that it should be illegal for anyone to speak their opinion if it is different from the status quo.

Today common sense is not mentioned much.  I hope it is not considered a crime.  Examples of common sense include seeking shelter from the rain, avoiding poverty by not spending everything you have, working for money to pay bills, defending your country by guarding the borders, and recognizing a higher power than government.

The democratic process involves disagreement and debate.  Disagreement is part of the process.  The press used to understand their responsibility to report the news whether they agreed with it or not. Citizens need good information to make well informed decisions. Common sense is not a requirement to be a citizen or a politician or news reporter.

Just as we should be tolerant of those with no common sense, the politically correct should reciprocate. Being politically correct is to ignore morality and other factors to remain in the favor of the popular purveyor of a trend or political idea..Anyone who disagrees with the politically correct is considered a terrorist who should be silenced or imprisoned or executed.  These views are expressed by talk show hosts, news hosts, and politicians today.

The MSM or main stream media is considered by many as the propaganda arm of the government. Increasingly, the news is being reported on the internet by people who have a thirst for truth.  Many of these individuals do not receive compensation for their efforts.  I applaud them and hope that more will join the effort.

The reason America is seriously in danger of losing sovereignty and freedom is that many of us have been asleep to the political process for too long. While some folks advocate political correctness and equate that to always being positive and never exposing wrongdoing; the wrongdoing and corruption in government is still there.  Whether we vote and express our opinion or turn our back on the process, we are participating in  decisions that effect our future.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Will Walsenburg Bet the Ranch on Marijuana?

It has come to my attention that a party has approached the City of Walsenburg about leasing property owned by the city for marijuana grow operations. This property known as the "ranch" also has water rights and gravel reserves.
The common consensus is that marijuana is lucrative and legal; therefore, why not go for a piece of the pie as soon as possible.  Unfortunately there are ambiguities in the federal laws concerning this issue.  Coupled with that are many governmental regulations on the state and local level.  The question of a property owner's liability for adherence to these laws comes into play.  There are laws which allow governmental agencies to seize property when non-compliance of drug laws is a factor.

The business of growing marijuana legally is relatively new to the states which are involved.  This is not a venture to enter into without researching state and federal laws.

Any municipal entity should also consider the will of its citizens to be a part of such an operation.  The opportunity to make some fast money is not a good reason to jump into this kind of deal.  There should be community input and realization that without proper planning, there is a lot to lose.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Walsenburg Street Improvements

Lately there have been a lot of streets closed in town.  This is a positive thing.  Several streets are getting repaved. Also, a sewer repair is being done on Stout Street.  The only down side to this is that it indicates there are no plans in the near future for replacing water or sewer infrastructure

A problem which has been discussed recently is a dam structural problem at City Lake.  Officials are thinking of spending most of the infrastructure capital improvement fund to do a study of the dam.  This strikes me as being an inappropriate use of the money set aside for water and sewer replacement use.  If you agree, maybe you could voice this to the appropriate officials.

There has been some positive inquiries about business interest in the city.  Any of these which come to fruition will be welcomed.

I am doing a video series introducing the Walsenburg City Council on "walsenburgconews" facebook page.  Please check these out.  So far we have uploaded a video for Mayor Eccher and for Nick Vigil. Hopefully, I will have some more of these soon.

Thanks to those who have "liked" the "walsenburgconews" facebook page.  It is about the community.  If you need to make an announcement or want to contribute a photo or story, please do.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Democracy or Communism

Serious issues involving our country are numerous at this time and will continue to multiply as the November election approaches.  There has never been a time in my life that has seemed as threatening to freedom and individual rights as the present.

The abuse of federal power and attacks on personal religion and belief systems is unbelievable.  Never has a president been so condescending and careless of his duty to protect and serve.  The amnesty issue is just one of a long list of personal laws that circumvent the U.S. Constitution.  Separation of powers is important to our system.  The patriots who founded our country thought it was important to set up a check and balance system to prevent the kind of tyranny that England exerted over the colonies.  I believe they were correct in doing this.

I'm not sure anyone would believe our country has become so anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-second amendment and anti-American.  When a government ignores the law and sets out to pervert its meaning, something is basically wrong.  When states are forced to acknowledge sodomy as a protected form of marriage, and our borders are left open and unprotected from our enemies, it makes you wonder who is the real enemy.  When U.S. Veterans are left to die without medical treatment, it causes you to wonder where we would be now if they hadn't fought for our country.

We must stand together to protect the freedoms we have left or lose them.  Immigrants came to this country for religious freedom and a chance to earn a living.  The idea of coming to America for welfare is a recent enticement to appeal to those who want something for nothing.  We can't take care of the whole world.  We will go broke if we try.  Why would we want to go broke?  Is that what the government wants?  We could come to them and beg for our food?  It doesn't appeal to me or anyone who wants to live in a free country and pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Call Your Congressman Today

The House is considering a vote on H.R. 5230 on Thursday.  This bill falls short of controlling the cost and expansion of wholesale amnesty. There is no provision for stopping expansion of presidential executive orders to increase the numbers of illegals coming here.

A number of U.S. businesses support illegal immigration as a means of securing low-cost workers.  It doesn't seem to matter that the social costs of healthcare, education, and housing are going to be left to the citizens. It will be our taxes which pay for services that most of us can't get as individuals.  Citizens must show I.D. and insurance to even get checked into a hospital. When illegals apply for Obamacare, officials are not allowed to ask their legal status.

When Michele Bachmann toured the border, she was shocked to see no enforcement.  The border patrol is simply registering folks crossing the border and driving them to doctors and getting them clothes and food. While they are busy doing this, drug dealers are crossing unopposed with their contraband. The coyote receives several thousand dollars to get an illegal to the border and brings drugs across while he is there.

The money has been designated for a border fence and the laws are in place to secure our country from criminals and terrorists who are coming from all over the world .  The breakdown comes with enforcement. The executive branch is not enforcing the law.  The Department of Homeland Security is being used to facilitate the border surge and make it worse as political retribution to Congress for refusing to pass amnesty legislation.

The administration is threatening to fly planes to Honduras and bring illegals from there to give them refugee status.  Refugee status is reserved for people who  are under persecution and whose lives are endangered for political or religious reasons.  An example of a refugee would be a Christian in Iraq or Syria who is killed if he doesn't convert to Islam.

We have to depend on Congress to address these atrocities.  Gang members are being allowed into the U.S along with persons who are infected with diseases never seen before in the U.S.  They are allowed to board planes with civilians thoroughly scanned by security services, but the illegals are not checked and do not have I.D. in many cases.

Most of these problems are only dealt with by border patrol and police on the border, but it becomes a crushing national expense when it comes to funding welfare services and to protecting our families from criminals that are allowed here from all over the world. There is a bill in the House which addresses the problem of amnesty by executive order.  Please tell your representative to support H.R. 5160 which is a better way to address this critical issue. Your Representative for the Walsenburg area is Scott Tipton at (202)225-4761. The vote on this important issue is Thursday, July 31st, so there is not much time to make your voice heard.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Illegal Immigration

The white house is attacking Congress and every concerned citizen with its version of amnesty.  This version is the one that leaves all citizens and Congress out of the loop.

In the history of our nation when has the Congress and the citizens not been allowed to be a part of the decision making process?  A large percentage of the population has been vocal about this issue.  They have said no immigration reform until the border is secure and the present laws are enforced.  Legal immigrants who are going through the process of becoming a citizen are against illegals passing them and going to the front of the line.

A picture of the present amnesty push by the white house is showing that the illegals are not all minors.  They are not being screened for disease and criminal records.  They are being allowed to fly on commercial airlines without tickets or ID.  They are being housed and provided for with taxpayer funds without our approval.

Since the border patrol has been neutered by Homeland security, the states are having to protect the border.  Many illegals are getting aid from Mexico in their invasion tactics.  An American corporation is operating the train the illegals are riding to the border.  The train was a part of the NAFTA agreement which was to provide more jobs in Mexico.

Now the white house is claiming the illegals are refugees fleeing persecution in Central America.  They are, in fact, running to the welfare buffet on the US border provided by the feds without our approval.
The idea that these illegals are "refugees" can only come from delusional folks like Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and our white house.  The true refugees are Christians who are being tortured and killed daily in Iraq, Syria, and Africa.  They are also being attacked with weapons provided by this administration.

We should be as vocal as possible to stop these illegal and criminal acts being perpetrated by our "DOJ" and the white house.

Friday, July 25, 2014

America Revisited

The news keeps coming about our country being in decline.  It is depressing, but we can't give up.  In a country where a movement starts to restrict free speech and take away rights of law-abiding citizens,  the hope of the oppressing force is that citizens will lose hope and give up.

America used to be a country standing for freedom in the world.  We had freedom of speech for all, not just those who were in our political party.  Our veterans fought for this freedom for us and others around the world who were oppressed.

It is disconcerting to see these inalienable rights stripped from our nation because of partisan bickering.  To take away our freedoms for political and monetary gain is treasonous.  Religious freedom is a favorite target of government today.  Because some of us believe in the Bible and its teachings, the present federal government is attacking.  They are not willing to allow citizens to act on their beliefs if it conflicts with theirs.

Not only is our religious freedom in jeopardy, but our privacy is endangered by NSA intrusion.  When the previous administration set up the Department of Homeland Security, no one could have imagined that phone calls and private email of law-abiding citizens would be scrutinized and saved for future reference.

When our founding fathers wrote the constitution, it was to protect us from intrusions by tyrannical government.  This is the reason that the present politicians want to change and destroy our constitution.  It limits their power.

We have a responsibility to teach these facts to our children and grandchildren.  Mainstream media is currently being controlled by the government, so the truth will not get through in news reports.  Many people are writing blogs and reporting news on the internet because they think they have a responsibility to report the truth as much as possible.

All of us should be aware of what our local, state, and federal government is doing.  The officials are our employees.  They are human and make mistakes, but when laws emerge which limit our rights and bring harm to us, it is time to act.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The American Dictator

While most of my attention has been to city politics, a ghastly trend has been continuing on the national level. Not only is the federal government ignoring congress and the will of the people, they are creating expensive problems for us to solve.  The advertising of free medical care and free legal service to those in Central America who illegally cross the border is so far out there that it rivals the Twilight Zone for "off the wall" plots.

Can it be that the president loathes Americans so much that he is compelled to destroy everything American? I have seen scandals and wrongdoing in high places, but nothing to compare with the scale of this.  It is apocalyptic in its scale.  One dictator telling congress that they are insignificant, and he will govern without them.  That is not democracy.

Other attacks are equally egregious.  Our tax supported agencies are being used to attack us.  The IRS is used to keep political opponents in check and to stop free speech.  The ATF is used to suppress 2nd amendment rights through invasive attacks on individuals and businesses.  The EPA is used to prevent use of coal which is our main source of electrical generation.  This same EPA is proposing elimination of all wood burning heaters. There is also a push by this agency to control all water rights.  The BLM is used to control land even if it means keeping cattle from getting water. The Bundy Ranch stand off comes to mind.  The office of Eric Holder is protecting administration officials from prosecution while promoting outrageous lawsuits against ordinary law-abiding citizens. Thanks to him we must not refuse to take pictures or bake cakes for any reason. The DHS is protecting illegals from our laws and threatening our citizens who protest their lawless intrusions.

It is almost overwhelming to think that we have fallen to this point in so little time.  Hopefully, there are people in all political parties who can agree on the preservation of our country and the freedoms for which we have paid such a high price.

Each day brings new attacks on basic freedoms.  We must be diligent and demand responsibility from our representatives in government.  Surely we deserve more help than we are getting from Congress. A large number of congressmen are lawyers.  They can pretend to be helpless against the executive branch, but I'm not buying it.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Downhill Grade

The City Council of Walsenburg is on its way to clearing all obstacles to the Northlands Sewer project. Easement evaluation and procurement negotiations are advancing.  The only thing not changing is my reluctance to accept it as good for the city.  The lessons I've learned as a student of economics and history argue against the theory that you can borrow yourself out of debt.

An idea that repulses me is to depend on my children and grandchildren to pay off my debts in the future. The current federal administration thinks it is perfectly acceptable. The size of the national debt is an example.  It is a little surprising to see it embraced so readily by local government.

The reason the USDA will not issue general obligation bonds for this project is that the city has a lack of assets for collateral.  By changing the bonds to revenue bonds, they are accepting our future revenues from utilities as collateral for the loan without our approval.  Only the council and the administrator are making this decision. They are noticing no objections from citizens and a lack of attendance at meetings about these money issues.  This is taken as a yes vote by the citizens.

Since there is a serious deficit in the general fund for the city, the idea of raising the sales tax is being suggested as the answer to most of the financial problems.  The current tax is 7.90%. adding a penny to that will give us the distinction of having one of the highest sales tax rates in the state. This action is not to provide additional services or repair aging infrastructure; it is to pay for existing budget deficits.

When you move into a community, it is expedient that you check into the city finances before you take on their debt.  The chances for things improving in a lifetime are fairly low.

Monday, June 23, 2014

My Latest Thoughts about the Northlands Sewer Project

We have probably reached the point of no return on the Sewer Project. Despite all assurances that this project will cost the city nothing, the USDA and the interim loan company are requiring the City of Walsenburg to sign contracts to guarantee the loans.  They are not quite as trusting of the Northlands residents as the city is.

The project should have been completed before the Northlands was annexed.  The current situation is a patch and band aid approach.  It involves the city assuming the responsibility for every part of the venture. The only beneficiary for the project is the Northlands community of about twenty persons.  If businesses flood Walsenburg with applications to locate there, it will be a great thing.  The key word is "if".

A city official has said there is misinformation about this project.  Most of the misinformation has been promoted by those who are trying to push this project through regardless of its long-term indebtedness for the city.  Though Walsenburg officials continue to believe the Northlands residents will pay for the project, there has been little evidence that they have paid any of the bills so far.  The latest example is a new legal bill for processing the loans. This bill is $27,000.  The whole process is based on the loans covering all expenses, but a loan has to be repaid.

It reminds me of the joke where a person is telling a friend that he didn't have the money to buy a new car. The friend says, "You don't need any money.  All you have to do is write a check."

My investment in Walsenburg is a house and some friendships. My responsibility is to attempt to protect both.  This is why I am concerned.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Walsenburg Infrastructure

In a previous blog I mentioned that a city official agreed that Walsenburg has about $30 million in contingent liabilities.  These would include replacement of water and sewer lines, replacement of the gas transmission line, replacement of the water supply line from LaVeta, replacement/repair of the water tank, and resurfacing of city streets.

With these kinds of expenses required to maintain basic services, it should be clear where our priorities need to be.  Why is there no urgency to solve these problems?  Why is the Northlands Sewer Project always first in line for time and money?  If the residents and owners of the Northlands aren't contributing their time and money to the project, why is it so important to the city council?

Maybe Walsenburg citizens aren't sending a message to the council on where their priorities are.  Is it true that our basic services are not important? Could it be that our council is avoiding these problems?  The money for the loans  and legal fees will be in the range of $5 to $10 million for the Northlands Sewer Project. That amount would be a good start on some of our city projects for basic needs.  I wonder if there are potential council members in the community that would put basic services in a different order than the present council?  We currently have four members who are affiliated with a political party known to stand for fiscal responsibility.  Does that not apply to city policy?

Any shortfall in the city budget always brings talk of additional mil levies and other taxes.  The burden is placed on responsible homeowners who are rewarded by being billed for expenses for other areas while their needs are put on indefinite hold.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Cloaked Easement Negotiations

The Walsenburg city council is pushing to complete the Northlands Sewer project regardless of the consequences.  The secrecy about the easement negotiations is pronounced.  Even council members are asking for information.  There is reason to believe that the administration and some council members are discussing business by cell phone and e-mail between council meetings.  Never mind open meeting laws.

City property can be traded in easement deals which leave the citizens out of the loop. I only bring these things up because I was raised to believe in democracy.  If citizens don't insist on being informed, they send the message that government can act unilaterally.

I have asked the question repeatedly, what have the Northland residents contributed to this project?  I haven't received an answer yet.  The city has contributed money and many man hours to this project.  If half this effort and money were spent on the city, we would have new Infrastructure and paved roads.

We need to re-examine this project and pull out before we lose more money and time to a speculative venture that may only benefit a few land speculators.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Same Song a Different Day

The Northlands sewer project keeps coming up in the City Council meetings and the Financial Committee meetings.  Funds for the project keep coming from the city of Walsenburg.  How much have the property owners in the Northlands area contributed to date?  This is unknown.  No amount has been mentioned.

The bills collecting on the accounts payable ledger are for the city.  One of the next bills will be a $400,000 plus interim loan to pay for initial invoices for the project.  The city is borrowing money to pay for services already rendered.  There are about $500,000 in expenses waiting for payment.

Even though the money will be repaid by the USDA loan, the loan is guaranteed by the city of Walsenburg. Currently there are invoices for legal services in the amount of $27,000 to pay for property description details to properly secure the interim loan.  Although it would seem logical that the Northland property owners would front this money, so far there is no indication that this will happen.  All front money and effort seems to be from the city.

There is another puzzling part to this picture.  The easement procurement process is proceeding so quietly that even council members aren't aware of any news about it.  Many of us are concerned about the terms of any deals to secure the easements. Hopefully, the future of Walsenburg will not be forfeited in this process.

The Northlands project appears to be an ongoing process that should never have been started after the area was annexed.  All utilities and roads should have been in place before the annexation.  If proper procedures had been followed, we would not be involved in this quagmire now.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

United Communist States of America

Have you or anyone you know ever seen as much corruption and un-american activity in this country?  In the interest of political correctness, our country is being subverted by the lawless.

No one I know wants Sharia law here.  It is cruel and inhuman.  Even animals don't treat others the way Muslims treat their families.  Women are treated as property instead of human beings with rights.

Our education system is being dictated by the federal government.  The administration we have is showing that they are not interested in justice.  They have an agenda which seems to include indoctrinating children to political correctness and to making students believe whatever the government says. This isn't the democratic way.  We should teach our children to examine what is presented to them for the truth.

Our freedom of speech is threatened by a government which uses the most cutting edge technology to spy on us daily.  Some senators are trying to revoke the first amendment right of citizens to have free speech.  They are signing their name to such legislation.  How can this be happening is our country?

Our veterans are disrespected and abused at the VA hospitals.  It's difficult to understand how this is happening.  I am a veteran and never expected to see this.  After defending our freedoms from communist and tyrannical dictators, it is not easy to see this kind of government in D.C.

Also we are being indoctrinated that we are to be ashamed if we are not of color. All problems and evil is said to be from white people.  This is racism.  When Hitler was defeated, we thought it was the end of this kind of hate.  Obviously, our present administration wants to resurrect this type of behavior.

I hope you agree with me that we won't tolerate this in America.  No matter what your political label, let's work to restore tolerance and freedom in our nation.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Just Trust Me

A consistent characteristic of the Walsenburg government is similar to one in D.C.  When it comes to transparency, they say it exists, but I don't buy it.  The accounting system is not one which can be easily accessed and checked for a current financial picture.

If you ask for an account balance, you are informed that it is not available.  Why is this so?  As near as I can tell, it is to allow for funds to be placed in a general account where they are available as needed.  Never mind whether it is income for the water fund or gas fund or a utility deposit.

This is not accounting; it is spending whatever comes in.  No wonder we are short of funds. When it was suggested that capital improvement funds should be put in separate accounts, you would have thought the roof was caving in. It would be too much extra trouble to do that according to city officials. At present, there is a financial administrator and a second accountant for payables and receivables.  The financial administrator gets a substantial paycheck plus benefits. What is her function?  That's a lot of manpower for a small city, and they think separate accounts are too much trouble?

The terms "mill levy increase" and "sales tax increase" are being used more often by city council lately. "Fix the infrastructure" and "improve Walsenburg" are not heard much.  There seems to be a pattern here. "Let's fix Northlands" is heard a lot.

As citizens we are entitled to accountability for our taxes.  Of course this can be forfeited and the folks at city hall can be given a blank check. It appears that has been done already.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Questionable Party Affiliations

My father was a staunch Democrat all of his life.  He was a blue-collar worker and believed in the importance of strong unions protecting the rights of workers. I guess most of our political beliefs are shaped by our parents.  However, today's Democratic party bears no resemblance to the one my father supported. Their stand on abortion, homosexual rights and amnesty, leaves me no choice but to consider Republican candidates.  And even then, I must be sure he or she is a Republican candidate who stands for conservative and traditional values - someone who calls for a balanced budget and promotes the security of my country.

When you vote in the up-coming local, state-wide and congressional elections, I ask you to consider carefully who you cast your vote for.  Study the candidate's past voting record in regard to personal integrity, constitutionally-based and traditional family values. We can no longer afford to simply vote along party lines.

Brenda Murphy 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It's All About the Northlands

The Walsenburg City Finance meeting and the City Council meeting were all about the Northlands again. (No surprise there.)  For years the Walsenburg city has been consumed by their interest in the development of the Northlands.  It is  seen as the panacea for all the problems of Walsenburg.  Supposedly, the installation of the multi-million dollar sewer line will bring life to an otherwise dying city.  It sounds like a sales pitch.  In fact, there is no guarantee that businesses will locate there. There is also no guarantee that the city will ever recover any of the funds spent on the project.

At the city council meeting Tuesday night, there were several discussions of how to bring about the Northlands project as quickly as possible.  Noticeably absent from the meeting was any enthusiasm for projects in Walsenburg south of the camelback.

There was a presentation by LiveWell Huerfano County.  They are working to promote pedestrian and bicycle trails in Walsenburg.  In conjunction with the presentation of a route map, they discussed the painting of a bike lane divider on some streets. There were suggestions by the city council about implementing their proposals; however, if only they could incorporate the word Northlands in their name, they could probably receive substantial money and immediate action from the council.

Near the end of the meeting, Jacque Sikes was recognized to speak.  She discussed Ordinance 1015 which was passed in Walsenburg on December 10, 2012, to provide for replacement of sewer and water lines that are older than 3 years.  The money is collected through sales tax and designated for capital improvements to the water and sewer infrastructure.  The ordinance requires a 5 year plan to address problems with the water and sewer systems.  Because no plans have been drawn and money has been spent from these funds, Jacque requested that separate accounts be set up for them so they could be easily accessed.  The reception of this request was less than welcomed.  The administrator immediately protested that it would create an extra workload; although moments before, the same administrator was expressing how easily the job of city treasurer could be assimilated by his office personnel without hiring a new treasurer.

The pattern of expending time and money on one area of Walsenburg continues.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Representative Government

Most people I grew up with had an idea about democracy. They thought when a decision was made it should be by vote.  In school we voted on class officers, on cheerleaders, and on various decisions.  If someone voted a different way than you that was their right.

How have we come to the point of being against another person's right to express themselves. This goes against the very premise of a free society.  Lately the white house has begun stacking the deck against non-profit groups which oppose them by using the IRS as the agency of enforcement. The same government agency is being used to punish citizens who choose to reject the ACA(so-called affordable care act).

Our current federal government is against free speech and the right to bear arms. In the past there was a majority of citizens in both political parties who believed these were fundamental rights.  There was no issue about our basic rights.  The political differences tended to be about foreign policy or budgetary matters.  We have previously agreed to protect our country, our children and grandchildren.

I wonder if we could get back to basics and agree to protect our country from illegal alliens and stand together to protect our freedoms which are outlined in the constitution.. Can we agree that whoever is against us and trying to destroy our nation is our enemy? Whichever party we belong to, we should be able to agree on this fundamental truth.

Our survival depends on what we do with this truth. Politicians, agencies, political correctness, and all of the above deserve equal condemnation if they are trying to destroy our country and its constitution.

Our Treasurer

Walsenburg has an administrative style of government.  Most day to day decisions and transactions are done by the city administrator. He has control of virtually all the various city departments including the accounting department.  This is where the bills are paid and the money is collected. The city budget is also generated in the accounting department. The budget directly involves our services and taxes and should be examined closely.

One provision for examining the accounts is an elected official.  The City Treasurer is directly elected by and answers to the citizens. We are faced with losing this accountability with the resignation of our current treasurer. If no candidate is found, this job could be changed to an appointed position taking away the small amount of citizen involvement that now exists.

There is currently an ad in the newspaper for City Treasurer. The deadline for submitting a resume is May 1st. If you or someone you know can do this job, it would be a great service to our city.

Our freedoms are vanishing each day.  When we have a chance to participate in the governmental process, we should see it as an opportunity to speak for the community.  Too many tasks are delegated to third parties with special interests.  It takes some effort to participate in the process, but the alternative is no voice.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Walsenburg Priorities

This week a topic came to the forefront in the city council meeting and in the finance committee.  The city is in dire need of new computer equipment.  While not disputing the need for equipment, it never fails to amaze me how creative the council can be in finding money for those projects they think are important.

Another subject which came up is the Northlands sewer project.  The 20 or so citizens in the Northlands have state of the art water infrastructure and access to natural gas. Why should they have a state of the art sewer system guaranteed by the city? They seem to be priority number one on any council agenda.

Shouldn't it be a priority to set up a plan to refurbish the aging pipes and dilapidated streets in Walsenburg?   The city is where the taxpayers live who have to deal with all the aging infrastructure problems.  A couple of recent examples of these problems were the defective fire hydrants discovered during the February 6th and 7th fires in the city.

A five year plan for improvements is a condition of the city ordinance making capital improvement funds available for sewer and water projects.(City of Walsenburg ordinance 1015 dated 12/10/12)  To my knowledge, this has never been done.  To his credit, Mayor Eccher has stated that he is focusing on replacing the gas transmission line from Trinidad and the fresh water line from LaVeta. That is a start in the right direction.

It is not too much to ask for basic services when you pay above average utility bills. These basic priorities should be on the table at every finance committee and city council meeting until some results are seen.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Marijuana Rules

Just when it seemed that Walsenburg had an ordinance in place and zoning done for medical marijuana, the council members decide that the rules are too stringent for potential businesses.  The fact that city ordinance 1020 has some common sense rules concerning distances that a dispensary is required to be from residences, schools, churches, etc. seems to have little significance.  The council feels the need to amend the ordinance because a potential business wants to locate next door to a residence.

This same kind of logic was used to argue for the marijuana zoning ordinance which placed R-O property as a candidate for marijuana operations.  The vacant building across from the Pizza Hut was located in a residential zone.  Instead of letting the potential business work out the location for a properly zoned area, the city council decided to include residential zoning for marijuana operations to accommodate someone who wanted to use that particular building.

It would seem that the question of proper zoning of a business in the city is within the jurisdiction of the city planning and zoning committee. Why should there be an immediate need to change zoning rules before the zoning committee can study the case and make recommendations?

I will go on record in support of our current ordinance 1020 which should be enforced as written.  There is no reason to change a perfectly good ordinance.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Well, the appraisal for the prison was short of the expected amount.  This will cause the city to start thinking of your money.  Can we raise taxes?  Can we raise water rates?  How can we get more money to spend?

If the city of Walsenburg would spend money on renewing infrastructure, replacing fire hydrants, and paving streets, it wouldn't seem so bad when they ran into financial problems.  Most of the expenditures (in time and money) are on securing sewer, water, and gas for the Northlands.  We can't seem to get lines replaced in the older part of town where most of the water and sewer customers reside.  These customers are also the tax payers who pay for the city ventures.

Another big project is the replacement of most of the city's computers.  This expense will come up soon. We have an IT contractor who is charged with keeping our equipment operating.  Maybe we could put off a purchase until we get our finances in better shape.

We talked of making cuts in the 2014 budget.  A 10% cut was made in city employee salaries.  The police dept was also reduced in number.  An additional member of the police force left, but was replaced quickly. When we are under financial stress and an employee leaves, why replace him right away?

We also have another financial burden in our water park.  It is a money-losing venture.  The city's solution is to lower the entrance fee and do as little advertising as possible.

Whatever is placing our federal government in unbelievable debt seems to be contagious to our cities and some of our states.  It is simple mathematics.  If you don't have money don't purchase anything.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Capital Improvement Fund

The funds for operating the water and sewer department come from revenue sources such as residential and business charges for water and sewer.  These funds are to maintain our system and deliver the water and sewer service. Other funds that are allocated to renew our existing lines are called capital improvement funds.  Things are less clear when we try to discover their balances and expenditures .

The capital improvement funds are designated by law from sales tax revenue.  At one time funds were generic and used for any improvement in the city.  A ballot issue in 2012 called Ordinance 1015 changed this.  The fund was divided into three parts.  A third was to be for the water department, a third for the sewer department, and a third for general use.  Section 4 of this ordinance mandated  a five year plan for improvements in water and sewer infrastructure.  Each year the city council is required to adopt a five year plan for use of the transferred funds.

No five year plan has been created.  Meanwhile the annual state maximum 10 percent of water and sewer funds has been transferred to the water and sewer departments without a five year plan. While  it is not clear, the money appears to have been used for other than capital improvements. The city council is not enforcing the ordinance to correctly appropriate these transfers.

It is difficult to see this because of our reporting system.  The capital improvement funds and the infrastructure and repair portion of our water and sewer bills should be simple and easy to track. Replacement of water lines, sewer lines, and fire hydrants in the city should be a priority. The funds for these projects should not be used for general or administrative expenses or any other uses.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Walsenburg Style Accounting

Some of us keep asking the same questions in the city council and committee meetings.  This is an indication that we are not getting answers.  The obscurities revolve around the city's accounting system. When a question about the balance of the water department infrastructure fund is raised, the stock answer is to say that it is too complex to answer.

Accounting is not designed to hide facts.  It is to reveal expenditures and revenues so that we can see where our money is and how it is being spent.  A separate account should be established for money held for water line replacement.  Another account would be for sewer line replacement.  This would make it a simple thing just to look at these accounts to see what we have.

Another area that keeps being obscured is money spent on the Northlands projects. To be transparent each transaction involving this project should be included in the budget.  This would include all deposits, fees, and revenues involving the Northlands.  More than one request for expenditure amounts on this project has resulted in different numbers being given. The story that keeps being repeated by proponents of the sewer project  is that everything is free and it won't cost the city anything. This project is being sponsored by Walsenburg. We should be able to track money associated with it.

One of the confusing things about the water and sewer funds is that two items for infrastructure replacement are associated with each fund.  There are two separate items on customer water bills for infrastructure replacement. Another account known as capital improvements contains money for water and sewer replacement.  This is an account which receives money from sales tax.  There is not a clear way to access balances for these accounts.  I was hoping the city treasurer would bring clarity to this problem, but the best solution is probably to set up separate accounts which are easy to access and track.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Citizen or tax source?

Most of us take a lot of things for granted.  We turn our water tap on and water flows.  We depend on our sewer lines to drain properly.  If our house catches fire, we depend on the fire department to put it out.  All these things depend on a water and sewer system that works.

In Walsenburg we have a very old system and it doesn't always work properly.  This is why a portion of sales tax is set aside in capital improvements to replace the old water and sewer pipes in the city.  Hopefully, our officials have not forgotten about these funds. At present, the only thing I can see the money used for is to fill in blanks on a financial report.

The new Utility Committee  met on February 17 to look at problems we have in the city.  Besides looking at some customer service issues, the new committee stated its purpose. One of the stated purposes of the committee is to replace our aging infrastructure.

It seems that everything gets priority over this problem.  The city is in the process of spending thousands on new computers.  The Northlands project has demanded hours of time and considerable expense from officials. The city is also assuming risk on the grants and loans necessary for the project to move forward. The last time I looked most of the people in Walsenburg who need services live in the older parts of the city.

Can anyone name a project which has benefited residents?  We didn't even get Christmas decorations downtown last year.  They would have cost about $300 to install.  There is a lack of direction and a lack of commitment to the citizens here.

I have one more point on this subject.  Who checks our fire hydrants for their operating condition?  The last published report was in the Huerfano World Journal on October 31, 2010.  At that time over half of the hydrants had mechanical problems.  Eleven of the hydrants didn't work at all.  Be hopeful that the inoperable ones are not near your home.  The two hydrants nearest the latest house fires in Walsenburg had defects. The one on 7th street wouldn't shut off, and the one on Pennsylvania wouldn't turn on.  Both hydrants have now been replaced.
Alvin Murphy

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Political Vigilance

If you are aware that something is wrong in our country, you might be a part of the solution. Because I am retirement age, I have seen a lot of history.  I was never more aware of the erosion of personal privacy rights, freedom of speech, and basic decency than I am today.

For those individuals who can't see this, you are possibly younger or of a progressive mindset.  Progressive is not necessarily a good term.  It is associated with the current movement towards communism.  When you have seen the Vietnam and the Korean Wars fought to stop communism, and the World Wars fought to stop narcissistic tyrants, it makes you pause to see the developments in Washington D.C. today.

It is easy to become distracted and think this only concerns federal politics, but these criminal tendencies begin on the city and state levels.  It is the duty of every citizen to watch their representatives to see if they are doing their jobs.  Everyone makes mistakes and every failure is not a willful breaking of the law.  The point is there must be checks and balances.  A graphic example of failure of this system is the U.S president stating to the French president that as president he can do whatever he wants.

The judicial branch and the congressional branch are not doing their duty.  They are to provide a check to the power of the executive branch. Our duty is to observe and to be a check on the local and state representatives, so they will not take advantage of the people they are supposed to be serving.

While it is nice to be at home relaxing after a long day at school or work; it is incumbent on us to go to city council meetings and other political functions on the local level.  Of course, one of the most important responsibilities is to vote.  While the primaries don't get the turn out of the general election; they are very important in sending a message for the values you represent.
Alvin Murphy

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Northlands Sewer Project Revisited

I had hoped to move on to other subjects before I saw a rebuttal of my "Financial Future of Walsenburg" letter to the editor.  It was nice to see concern by a city official about these issues.

The idea that infrastructure replacement is to be done with regular water revenue is not correct. This money is in a capital improvement fund designated for these replacements. At the January 7, 2014, City Council Meeting, Dave Johnston stated that the money is still in the capital improvement account because no projects have been planned.  My understanding is that the funds are to be used for water and sewer line repair and replacement. Why are there no water and sewer line replacement projects? The use of these funds was approved two years ago.

One of the most persistent rumors about the Northlands Sewer Project is that it doesn't cost our city anything.  In other words, the total cost for this project will be the responsibility of the annexed property owners without any obligation to the citizens of Walsenburg.  Is it really possible for a mere 19 property owners to fully fund a $10,000,000 (the payback amount with interest) sewer line project?  Can anyone show that the Northlands property owners have paid any of this cost?

We must count the man hours spent on this sewer project, the security money for it,and the cost of valuable property and water rights being traded for land easements to complete it. The other part of the free equation that doesn't add up is for the city to guarantee the grants and loans because the Northlands property owners can't qualify for the loan or pay the $10,000 application fee.

If the Northlands property owners could do this project without the city, it would be different. The payments for the loan agreement can be made with sales tax from businesses in the Northlands. This is a refund of sales tax to make loan payments on the sewer project.  However, the sales tax in Walsenburg is not refunded to the merchants who collect it here. City officials have told of the benefits that are coming from taxes generated in the Northlands, but they are benefits for the property owners of the Northlands. Their sales tax pays for a new sewer line.  We would like a refund of sales taxes in Walsenburg to pay for some improvements here.

The cost of the sewer project is continuing to increase with time, according to Kent White from GMS Engineering.* This verifies my earlier statement that prices usually increase on goods and services over time. Rarely do contractors give refunds for money saved because a project is delayed.

Walsenburg is a partner in a project with Northlands property owners who need the credit of the city to guarantee the loan. It may be time to step back and reconsider the whole plan.  How long will it take and how much will it cost?  How many letters of intent do we have from businesses wanting to locate in the Northlands?  The citizens of Walsenburg need to have input in this project.  Perhaps a town hall meeting would bring these matters out in the open for discussion.

* from an interview with David Rinehart in the January 9, 2014, issue of The Signature.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Walsenburg Treasury Office

After attending several financial committee meetings and council meetings in Walsenburg, it puzzled me that we have two financial officers.  The financial administrator is hired and given a substantial salary with benefits; and the treasurer is elected and given a very small stipend and little else as far as benefits, office, or tools. The last time I asked, the elected treasurer had no online access to the bank accounts.

The Treasurer of Walsenburg pledged at the last council meeting to begin working on a reconciled financial statement to present for her report.  This is difficult without online access to accounts.  When asked about the duplicity of having two treasurers, the city administrator said that the statutory type of government Walsenburg has requires a treasury official to be elected.

It seems that to have an elected treasurer gives more accountability to the electorate.  Maybe a plan could be formulated to combine duties of both financial offices into one elected office with a salary and benefits. An elected treasurer should be educated in government accrual accounting and have all the access and tools necessary to provide a clear and concise financial report.

Friday, January 24, 2014

What about Walsenburg for a change?

With years of effort and an unknown amount of money poured into the Northlands sewer project, the outlook is not looking positive.

It is time for the city leaders to focus on needs in the older part of the city.  Remember where the tax money comes from?  It has been about two years since a water and sewer assessment was added to our utility bills for infrastructure improvement.  So far only repairs have been done as usual.  It was my understanding that old sewer and water lines were going to be replaced.

Every time I look at my utility bill it raises the question of when the work will begin on water and sewer line replacement.  When this question came up in the last Walsenburg City Council meeting, the answer was that replacement will begin in the older section of town near Colorado and Pennsylvania streets.  The new committees formed with citizen participation are said to be a key to laying out the strategy.  Let's go!  After charging for this project for two years, it's time for action.

When the new utility lines are installed,  we can begin repairing and resurfacing our streets which are deteriorating daily.  There is a lot of work to be done and the sooner we get started the sooner we can enjoy the improvements.

Al Murphy
Walsenburg, Co.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Sewer Project that will Keep on Costing

Whether the city needs funds for the streets, sewer, water, or employees, the first thing the Council thinks about is raising taxes. The Northlands sewer project is no exception but it promises to take our money for another generation.  A lot of people are complaining about politicians in Washington not listening.  Are local representatives listening?  Maybe they don't hear any protests about current budget appropriations.

The contingent liabilities for infrastructure failure in our city have been estimated as high as thirty million dollars by a city official.  They include items such as natural gas transmission line repair, major water storage problems, and costly leak repairs on our water supply lines from LaVeta.  All of these items directly effect our tax and utility rates. It is difficult to get overly excited about costly projects that can drain our municipal funds for engineering fees and clean up expenses for sewer ponds that are privately owned in the Northlands. Even if property owners are willing and able to pay some of the expenses, it still leaves Walsenburg water customers guaranteeing the debt.

When the Northlands sewer project is studied for its benefits to the city, it doesn't add up.  The population served by this project is small.  However, the financial backers for it are the city water customers.  The last thing I want in my future is continual water and tax rate increases to promote land speculation.
Engineering Map of Northlands Sewer Project

You are invited to participate in this debate and comment on it.  Please follow our facebook page at walsenburgconews and visit our blog at Walsenburgconews .