Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

Here is the first in three part series from Tom Horn and friends on new research in Peru and South America on the history and evidence about "giants" in the earth from Genesis 6. .

VA gets Shorted $2.6 Billion while Obama Admin Budgets $4.5 Billion on Syrians Migrants

House lawmakers say the Veterans Affairs Department’s $2.6 billion budget shortfall for this fiscal year is further proof of administrators’ incompetence and poor planning.
VA officials have a slightly different take, saying the shortfall is a sign of their extraordinary efforts to get veterans the medical care they need, regardless of the cost.
Either way, the department has a gigantic deficit to fill in the next three months.  A bigger difficulty on the next page:
Yes, it could get bigger.
It also could mean furloughs, hiring freezes and program cancellations if a solution can’t be found.
“We are going to do the right thing for veterans and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars,” VA Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson told members of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee on Thursday. “But to succeed, we need the flexibility to use funds to meet veterans needs as they arise.”
Without that, he said, “we get to dire circumstances before August. We will have to start denying care to some veterans.”
Lawmakers were enraged that the department is only now informing them of significant shortfalls in this year’s budget, with the fiscal year ending Sept. 30.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015

Tom Horn:

This guy is involved in many studies in eschatology, theology, and Biblical prophecy.  Here is a link to an interview about "CERN."

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015

Marijuana Is Deadly: The Real Truth.

October 6, 2015 by   
Filed under HealthNewsOpinionWeekly Columns

( First of all, if you are a marijuana/pot head, I expect you to resist the facts and make excuses. Most people who want to continue to smoke weed do not want to acknowledge the truth. I also expect you to try and contradict the facts with data you have never checked independently of where you found it. Therefore I will present those facts that are verifiable, well known knowledge and clearly understood by every person who addresses this issue with a pure heart and not a hidden agenda to get high.
This article is only in reference to recreational marijuana, not medical marijuana. With these things in mind, here are the reasons (facts) why marijuana must be made illegal. Just remember this is a partial list of reasons and common sense should tell all of us that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. If you have been told otherwise, you have been deceived. And because so many people seem to smoke marijuana, others believe it is ok. But that’s just not true.
HEAR WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY ABOUT MARIJUANA USE                                  
The THC in marijuana is addictive and the medical industry knows it. Ask any doctor you like and see what he/she says. The mental health industry also knows it too.
Legalizing marijuana will create a new rehab industry and the medical industry knows that too. The government knows that as well and they have all the research and test cases on either side of the coin, not just part of it.
Marijuana, unlike cigarettes, is a mind-altering drug. This is what the governments says – the same government that is trying to legalize marijuana and deceive you into thinking it is harmless. And even if you don’t experience all of the reactions or affects below, that does not mean you are ok. As for cigarettes, remember everybody was smoking them and ignoring the warnings of the Surgeon General for decades. But now the research is irrefutable and the victims and the devastation are obvious.
Marijuana over-activates part of the brain.
Marijuana alters the mind in the following ways:
  1. altered senses (for ex. seeing bright colors)
  2. altered sense of time
  3. changes in mood
  4. impaired body movement
  5. difficulty with thinking and problem solving
  6. impaired memory
  7. reduced thinking and learning functions
  8. long-term use has been linked to mental illness (paranoia, hallucinations, schizophrenia)
  9. depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among teens
Marijuana affects your physical health.
1.   breathing problems from prolonged use or exposure
2.   increased heart rate (for hours)
3.   thus may increase chances of heart attacks
4.   problems with pregnancy – increased risk of behavioral and brain problems in babies
Marijuana does not solve problems. Many people who smoke marijuana are trying to escape life, stress or depression. But marijuana is not a solution. When the high is over, the marijuana user has less money, no high and problems that return because they never really went anywhere.
Click here to get a Free Booklet On Marijuana                                     
Legalizing marijuana will not decrease the prison or jail population like you think it will. First of all, criminals are not sent to prison for using marijuana. Secondly, those in jail for using marijuana do not stay locked up very long because they are released and/or placed on probation to make room for other inmates withmarijuana-laws-blackman-marijuana-notgood-2015more severe crimes. The idea that marijuana users are filling up our jails and staying there to soak up tax payer dollars is an exaggeration at best and a lie at worse.
Street Weed is often laced with several poison chemicals. These chemicals include rat poison and embalming fluid, to name a few. If you do not believe this, do your research into what is found in street weed. The toxic chemicals enhance the high, prolong the high and allow the dealers to stretch the supply. Did you really think street weed drug dealers were offering pure marijuana? Ask a police officer about that then wake up. A good test to see if the “weed” is laced is to look at what you paid for it.
Marijuana usage devastates the life of our teens. It interferes with concentration, thus education.
Marijuana is therefore not harmless. How would you like to have an operation while the surgeon is high on marijuana? How would you like to encounter a police officer on duty while he is high on marijuana? What about an ambulance driver taking your mother to the hospital while he is under the influence of marijuana? Driving while impaired by marijuana actually doubles the risk of a car crash.
If marijuana is legalized, there is no industry that can regulate it’s purity at the time of sell. Which industry is stepping up to regulate “quality marijuana”? Then how would you know if you are getting pure marijuana or not when you visit an “authorized dealer”?
Marijuana increases violence. You may say it doesn’t and many others will agree. But that is because they are not asking the right questions on purpose. Ask those incarcerated people who recently committed a crime if they had smoked marijuana recently. There is your link. Ask them where they got it. Off the street. Most did not grow it in their backyards or greenhouses. Thus the street weed laced with hundreds of other chemicals and poisons causes some very strange, bold and deadly behaviors.
Marijuana is not a victimless crime. The user is the victim. If we legalize marijuana, we might as well legalize prostitution. The family of the user is the victim. The teachers in school are the victims. Society is the victim. Some honest states, courts and congressmen and women realize this.
The legalization of marijuana will not stop black market weed dealers. Marijuana smoking has been compared to alcohol during the Prohibition. But that was a totally different time, this is a completely different generation and comparing apples and oranges is a deception. At some point the weed store will close for the night. And unless “legal marijuana distributors” give the public as much as they want, whenever they want, at whatever age they want and for the price they want, there will be a black market of drug dealers who will do just that and fill that void. Street drug dealers will simply open up after the marijuana store closes.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that requires greater and greater usage then other drugs. Even if you could show statistics on pure marijuana usage to disprove part of this point, the claim I just made would still be true of street weed and you cannot guarantee it’s purity. Nor is it likely to be pure. Your local street drug dealer knows this. Research also shows many people who later used harder and more deadly drugs first started with marijuana. If you smoke marijuana all the time, soon it will be harder to reach the same high. You will then have to smoke more and some people move to something harder and stronger.
Links and Resource Information      
This article is only a tiny portion of the research that tells the truth. And for those of you who want to offer information to contradict these findings, I can offer 10 reputable sources for every one you share. Check with your doctor. Check with your local police officer. Check with the CDC. But wake up!
Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony


Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

Walsenburg has a house fire today on Fifth St.  We are posting pictures on Walsenburg News. and on this news page.  For video go to:


Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 17, 2015

UNBELIEVABLE! Obama DEPORTS Persecuted Christians Fleeing ISIS, Demands MUSLIM Refugees Stay


The Obama administration has been fighting tooth and nail to get thousands of Muslim refugees to the U.S, but when Christians are begging for help, he deports them. Obama doesn’t even bother to hide his hate for Christians anymore.

Over 6 months ago, 27 Christians arrived at the U.S Mexican border to request asylum via an “underground railroad”. They were fleeing from ISIS and Christian genocide, which is more than enough of a reason to grant asylum. The Christians (known as the Chaldeans) had family and sponsors in the U.S ready to take them in.
Instead of releasing them to unite with their families, the Obama administration detained them in horrible conditions at the Otay Mesa Detention Facility in San Diego. Even though Christians protested outside the jail, the Obama administration didn’t budge, until now that is.
The San Diego Tribune reports that Obama will be DEPORTING the Christians while at the same time, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico to stay. The Christians were ordered not to speak to anyone about what was happening to them.
“Twelve of the 27 Iraqi Christians being detained at the Otay Mesa Detention Facility are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Monday.
An immigration judge ordered their removal in the last two weeks, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said. She declined to provide specific information about why the immigrants are being deported and where they will be taken, citing privacy issues.
Typically, unauthorized immigrants who face deportation are returned to the country where they were living before entering the United States. It’s likely that most of the Chaldeans will be deported to such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, known to provide safe haven to Iraqi refugees.
A group of 27 Iraqi Christians — also known as Chaldeans — has been detained in Otay for about six months as their immigration cases proceed, according to local activists and family members.
The Chaldeans were detained by immigration authorities after they attempted to cross the U.S. border through the San Ysidro Port of Entry without documentation several months ago.
Thousands of Chaldeans have fled Iraq in recent years, escaping persecution in the Middle East at the hands of the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS.
Lundon Attisha, spokesman for the Neighborhood Market Association, said he and other Chaldean leaders were advised by the attorneys representing the detainees not to comment on the issue.”

This is the same president who released 68,000 CRIMINAL illegal aliens into the U.S to live free among us. Apparently, Obama believes that 68,000 murderers, child molesters and rapists are less of a threat to Americans than 27 Christians crying for help. What does that tell you America?


Muslim migrants refuse Denmark asylum: not enough benefits

British jihadist Anjem Choudary said in February 2013:
“We are on Jihad Seekers Allowance, We take the Jizya (protection money paid to Muslims by non-Muslims) which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the Kafir (non-Muslim), isn’t it? So this is normal situation. They give us the money. You work, give us the money. Allah Akbar, we take the money. Hopefully there is no one from the DSS (Department of Social Security) listening. Ah, but you see people will say you are not working. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the Kuffar (non-Muslim) So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance.”
“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29).
“Migrants REFUSE to claim asylum in Denmark – because they don’t get enough BENEFITS,” by Jake Burman, Express, September 17, 2015:
EU member states are closing their borders to halt migrants entering their countries
Refugees from Middle Eastern countries – like war-torn Syria – are demanding they are allowed to go to Sweden or Finland because the terms of asylum are more favourable for them.
Asylum seeker Marwen el Mohammed said there are two reasons migrants do not want to go to Denmark.
Mohammed claimed the first reason is that “the salary for refugees decreased about 50 per cent from 10,000 kroner (£1,000) to about 5,000 (£500)”.
“Salary”! And for what job are they being paid? Proving Europe’s multicultural bona fides.
The second is that Finland and its neighbouring countries allow migrants’ families to join them within two or three months – but under Denmark’s new laws they have to wait a year before they are able to join their loved ones.
Speaking to Denmark’s TV2 News, another migrant demanded: “We want Sweden.”
When the reporter tells him that Sweden is 310 miles away, he said: “No problem. We walked from Syria to here [with] no problem.”…

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15, 2015

SHOCKING: Over 750,000 Muslims Given Permanent Residence in US Since Obama Took Office

Since Obama took office over 750,000 people (752,738) from Muslim-majority countries have obtained permanent residence in the United States.
muslims in us
The total does not include 2014 or 2015.


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Just before the weekend, we learned that out of the fifty states, California, Texas and New York will be getting the largest dump of Muslim “refugees” coming from the Middle East. They are also unscreened Muslims as well. So, if you were wondering if a town near you was going to be a dumping ground for potential jihadists, we’ve got a complete list for you.
The Obama State Department has released a list of 190 cities in the United States that they will be releasing these unvetted and unscreened Muslim “refugees” into. Here’s the list:Ann Corcoran has been covering what is going on and it isn’t just the Obama administration who is neglecting their constitutional duties. It’s also a Republican-controlled House and Senate.
Corcoran writes:
Has Congress been shirking its duty for decades?  
Sure looks like it!  Because of the proposals to bring in as many as 100,000 Syrians in the next 12 months, there must be hearings!  Come on Trey Gowdy!  Come on Bob Goodlatte! Where are you?
History tells us that the House (and the Senate) have been shirking their duties under the Refugee Act of 1980 for twenty years!
She went on to point out that history:
Take a trip down memory lane to the House debate on the ‘Immigration in the National Interest Act of 1995′(HR2202) spearheaded by Rep. Lamar Smith and see what was said about the “consultation” process and how it has been ignored to America’s great detriment.
From House Report 104-469 (hat tip: Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum).  Report is dated March 4, 1996.  Former Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman who was involved with the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980, as chairman of he immigration subcommittee, is quoted as confirming the importance of the consultation process and Congress’ role!
The Refugee Act of 1980 intended to provide Congress with a meaningful role in the process of determining refugee admissions. In the words of former Representative Elizabeth
Holtzman, then Chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and International Law, ``Importantly, for the first time, the bill requires that Congress be consulted before refugees are admitted, and spells out in detail the elements of that consultation.” 55 Additionally, the Report of the House Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Refugee Act of 1980 stated the following: \55\ 125 Cong. Rec. H11966, H1167 (daily ed. Dec. 13, 1979) (statement of Rep. Holtzman).
The Committee has made every effort to assure that Congress has a proper and substantial role in all decisions on refugee admissions. In the past, the Attorney General’s consultation with this committee regarding admissions has been merely a matter of courtesy or custom. * * * The Committee cannot overemphasize the importance it attaches to consultation. The Congress is charged under the Constitution with the responsibility for the regulation of immigration, and this responsibility continues with respect to refugee admissions.56 \56\ House Report 96-608 at 12-14 (1979).
In the past several years, the refugee consultation process has devolved into a single meeting between the Executive Branch and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees near the end of the fiscal year–the very type of process which the 1980 Act expressly rejected. As an example, the refugee consultation for fiscal year 1996 occurred in the middle of September 1995–two weeks prior to the beginning of fiscal year 1996. The failure of the Administration to consult with Congress on the number and allocation of refugee admissions until just prior to the beginning of the fiscal year meant that the series of discussions between the President and Congress called for in section 207(d)(1) of the INA did not take place. [This is exactly what  is happening right now!—ed]
The current process of determining refugee admissions does not provide Congress with a meaningful role in this process, as intended in the Refugee Act of 1980. The number of refugee admissions for a particular fiscal year should not be set unilaterally by the President. As former Chairwoman Holtzman
stated: “* * * there is no substitute for public scrutiny, public disclosure, public debate on an issue of such importance as the admission of refugees to the United States.” 57 The only way to have an adequate public debate on the issue of refugees is to give Congress a more meaningful role in determining number and allocation of refugee admissions. \57\ 125 Cong. Rec. H37203 (daily ed. Dec. 20, 1979).
In my home State of South Carolina, an office has been established in Columbia. I echo Ms. Corcoran’s words, Come on Trey Gowdy, where are you?
Here’s what I honestly think. This administration has known from the get go that this was going to happen. It has been openly ignoring immigration laws for those crossing our southern borders and Muslims. It attacked a Christian homeschooling family over seeking asylum here previously. This taking in of Muslim “refugees” by the united States rather than lands like Saudi Arabia (who I believe is more responsible than Afghanistan or Iraq for9/11) is treason against the united States and every single elected representative and Obama and his minions should be held accountable (by accountable I mean they should be tried, convicted and summarily executed for their crimes against the people).
Until then, the Constitution provides for troops to defend against invasions and insurrections. We’re called the militia. Perhaps this is why the Obama administration is targeting militia. There is no doubt that this is as much anorchestrated invasion as was the crossing of illegals last year due to the planning of this current administration.